• be yourself (the creation of music composition)
    An artistic workmanship is a creativ process of the artist in creating artwork. The artwork created is entitled "Be Yourself", which is realted to the establishment of self characters of the writer who grow up in Sundanese culture. However, the life journey has brought the writer to be urang sumando (...
    01 Maret 2018 / HARIS, Asep Saepul; SUPANGGAH, Rahayu; SUKERTA, Pande Made; SUNARTO, Bambang /   RJ 2017 PAN XXVII 4
  • Improving The Function of The Prabu Geusan Ulun Museum in Sumedang Regency as A Tourist Attraction for Historical and Cultural Education
    The museum of Prabu Geusan Ulun Sumedang has been in existence since 1950. However, its existence has not been recognized widely among members of society, including among Sumedang community. To solve the problem, it is important to do some efforts for improving the attraction of the museum by increasing, its functions, ...
    01 Maret 2018 / HERMAWAN, Deni; SOFIAN, Maylan; KUSWARA /   RJ 2017 PAN XXVII 4
  • Development of Vocal Teaching Materials Based on Keroncong Singing Ornaments to Strengthen Western Vocal Techniques
    This study aims to develop teaching materials based on luk Keroncong song ornaments. The method used is a design based-research, which is employed to develop teaching materials, which are based on the theoritical and application activities in order to examine the strength of materials. The results of the study reveal ...
    15 Maret 2018 / LATIFAH, Diah; MILYARTINI, Rita /   RJ 2017 PAN XXVII 4
  • Identification of Design and Development Needs for Preschool-aged Children
    Bags for students, especially for preschool-aged children have in important role as learning media in education. Attractive and innovative bag designs are highly required to make them acceptable and favourable for children. This research uses a quantitative method. Design and development of educationalbags for preschool aged children were conducted through ...
    15 Maret 2018 / FIBRIANIE, Erwin; CAHYADI, Dwi /   RJ 2017 PAN XXVII 4
  • The popularity of Karinding among Bandung Society
    The study focuses on the impact of the karinding popularity on Bandung society. In trying to understand its focus, the study uses interdisciplinary approaches including sociology and anthropology. It employs qualitative research method including data collection from oral and wri! en sources. Since being played by a band called Karinding ...
    15 Maret 2018 / DARYANA, Hinhin Agung /   RJ 2017 PAN XXVII 4