• Perspektif Gender pada Langer Lanang Banyumas
    The changes of lengger role is closely related to ashift in the meaning of the role of Lengger by Somakaton Village community as a sacred figure representing Dewi Sri. These issue need to be discuassed to out the link betwen the role of lengger Lanang to be Lengger Wadon. The ...
    09 Mei 2017 / Iman Hartanto /   J 2016 PAN p I 2
  • Kontinuitas Gorga Batak Toba
    This article is writen based on the result of research entitled "Gorga Batak Toba di Kabupaten Samosir: kontinuitas dan perubahan bentuk dan fungsi", conducted in 2014-2015. The focus of this writing is on three main isuess: the from and function of traditional gorga in Batak toba houses before 1970s; the ...
    09 Mei 2017 / Sofi Andriyanti /   J 2016 PAN p I 2
  • Fungsi dan Nilai Tradisi Hajat Lembur di Tatar Karang Priangan Tasikmalaya Jawa Barat
    The purpose of this research is to determine the function and traditional values of hajat lembur in the life Tatar Karang Priangan society. The research method used is an ethnographic study.the result shows that the transfer of knowledge on how to care for natur and how humans communicate with ...
    09 Mei 2017 / Samson CMS, N. Rinjau Purnomowulan /   J 2016 PAN p I 2
  • Kearifan Lokal "Orang Pulo" dalam Tradisi Ngaplus Imah
    The tradition of ngaplus imah of pulo people has been conducted until the eighth generation todays.The pulo people reside in Cangkuang Village of leles District of Garut Regency, West Java, The pulo people are able to maintain six houses of the ancestral heritage, no more and no less.The ...
    09 Mei 2017 / Prijana, Dadang sugiana /   J 2016 PAN p I 2
  • Fenomena Tari Cokek di Jakarta
    Cokek dance as one of the Betawi arts has experienced dynamic as other arts. The dynamics lies in the presentation of cokek dance performances and cokek dance role today is more used as a foothold by most choroghraper to create a new dance work creations were also relatively preferred Betawi ...
    09 Mei 2017 / Nurul Rohmawati /   J 2016 PAN p I 2
  • Gamelan Sistem sepuluh Nada dalam Satu Gembyang untuk Olah Kreativitas Karawitan Bali
    This article is part of the Competitive Grants study entitled "Prototipe Gamelan Sistem Sepuluh Nada dalam Satu Gembyang." The concept of ten tones in one gembyang (oktav) has once been formulated by Raden angga Mahyar Kusumadinata Indonesian musicologist. In Balinese, gamelan scaleswith ten-tone systm are written in the prakempa manuscript. ...
    09 Mei 2017 / Hendra Santosa, Saptono /   J 2016 PAN p I 2
  • Kolaborasi Budaya pada Lukisan Tradisional Tiongkok di Indonesia
    Chiang Yu Tie is a female painter recognized with her Chinese painting technique. Few Chinese women are recorded in Indonesia fine art history. Chiang Yu Tie had qualified track record of exhibitionin 1900s . However , her nim was not recognizable yet in national fine art. The aim of this research is ...
    09 Mei 2017 / Ariesa Pandanwangi, Belinda Sukapura Dewi /   J 2016 PAN p I 2