• wayang kreatif ""performance of teater koma and its audiens
    Teater Koma is a modern theatre, which has been existing for 40 years since 1977 until today. The group has successfully performed various plays, both written by the world playwrights and by Riantiarno himself as the main founder, an actor, and a play writer. Someof the Riantiarno"s plays are puppet plays ...
    20 Februari 2018 / NALAN, Arthur S. /   RJ 2017 PAN XXVII 3
  • Katoneng-Katoneng Cawir Metua : A Cultural Exprssion of Karo Society
    Katoneng-katoneng is a traditional Karo ethnic song in North Sumatra composed spontaneously using repetitive melody with different lyrics, which depends on the context and situation (strophic logogenic). Being used in various social and cultural activities of Karo society, one of them is for the cawir metua ritual (the death of ...
    21 Februari 2018 / SEMBIRING, Bebas & NAIBORHU, Torang /   RJ 2017 PAN XXVII 3
  • The Traditional Art of Terbang Gebes in
    Conservation of local culture of Mikanyaah Munding (Nurturing Buffalos) as the base of Village Breeding Center of Kerbau is a research on traditional kerbau breeding in Cikeusal, Tasikmalaya. Mikanyaan Munding rserve a variety of Sundanese traditional art Performance,one of which is terbang gebes. Ths research uses qualitative method involving ...
    22 Februari 2018 / GUNARDI, Gugun ; AMPERA, Taufik; YUNASAF, Unang /   RJ 2017 PAN XXVII 3
  • Sundanese Karawitan and Modernity
    As a traditional art from, karawitan is still popular among the Sundanese community. Contextually there is a paradox within the presence of this traditional art form in today"s society: to survive in the modern world, traditional art neeeds appeal an charm in terms of creative innovations that come from ...
    22 Februari 2018 / RUDIANA, Muhamad /   RJ 2017 PAN XXVII 3
  • The Relevance of Budug Basu Play with Fisherman
    The inheritance of local values continous to be spread to the new generation; one of them is Budug Basu play. The Performance appears in every traditional activity of fisherman in Panjunan Village, Lemah Wungkuk District, Cirebon. The Budug Basu play is implemented in the Nadran Ceremony. Nadran is an interupption ...
    23 Februari 2018 / NURDIN, Rusman /   RJ 2017 PAN XXVII 3
  • The Symbolic Meanings Toraja Carving Motifs
    The study on the symbolic meaning of the Toraja ornamental design was conducted in a traditional wood-carver community at Tonga, Kesu District of North-Toraja Regency. The study question was stimulated by the fact that, nowadays, there are No. more wood carver teachers with tomanarang status (expert in Toraja culture) at ...
    23 Februari 2018 / SALAM, Sofyan; HUSAIN, Muh. Saleh; TANGSI /   RJ 2017 PAN XXVII 3
  • Rhythm and Tempo Learning Through The Use of Recorder with Behavioristic Approach
    Rythm and tempo are the most important musical elements that students should understand. The behaviouristic approach through recorder learning accompanied by the understanding of the musical elements (i.e rhythm and tempo) refers to an action performed to increase a better result of learning. This study, classified as an evaluative ...
    23 Februari 2018 / PURNOMO, Try Wahyu /   RJ 2017 PAN XXVII 3
  • The Art Creation in The Traditional Art Area
    This article discusses the concept of creating an art work witin a traditional art scope. The problem discussed is about understanding of art Works that is created in the context of tradition, and what is the difference with the creation of art in the modern context. By using the example ...
    21 Februari 2018 / NIMITA, Esthi & YUNDARI, Mustika /   RJ 2017 PAN XXVII 3
  • Reog Bulkiyo Dance Learning to Increase Student Patriotism Values
    This research aims to study values and local wisdom in Reog Bulkiyo dance, an Islamic based traditional art, which is analyed using techno-choreology framework. This method is applied in learning process to instill the patriotism values among students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Suna Ampel Doko, Blitar Regency. The learning of Reog ...
    05 Maret 2018 / SARAWSWATI, Ayu Ridho; NARAWATI, Tati /   RJ 2017 PAN XXVII 3